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APA Citation Style Guide (7th Edition)

This page provides a breakdown on a specific component of a Reference list citation.  It reviews the details that can help you construct your citations to fit the needs of the source you are citing.

Source Basics

Provide Publication Info after the Title.


Magazines, Journals, etc.

Rudd, A., & Gordon, B. S. (2010). An exploratory investigation of sportsmanship attitudes among college student basketball fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 33, 466-488.

Books, Reports, etc.

Falvo, D. R. (2011). Effective patient education: A guide to increased adherence. Jones and Bartlett.

Formatting Publication Info:

Publication information is highly dependent on the type and medium of the item you are citing. See Examples for exact details.

APA Manual pp. 293-301, Sections 9.23 - 9.37


Issue Numbers

Some journals and magazines start numbering their pages at 1 in every issue.  Other journals, however, start at page 1 only for the first issue of the volume, and continue the numbering throughout the year.  If you are citing an item that begins every issue on page 1, provide the issue number in parentheses right after the volume number. Do not italicize the issue the number.  


Klein, J. G., Smith, N. C., & John, A. (2004). Whey we boycott: Consumer motivations for boycott participation. Journal of Marketing, 68(3), 92-109.

Author is the Publisher

If the Author and Publisher are the same- this often is true for many government documents- then simply omit the publisher from the reference to avoid repetition.


United States Board on Geographic Names. (1995). Geographic names of the Antarctic (NSF 95-157, 2nd ed.).