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Creating Effective Scholarly Posters: Presenting

Step-By-Step guide to creating scholarly posters

1.  At your poster, look sharp and confident.  View this as you would for an interview for graduate school, sell yourself and your research.  Wear a name tag (provided) and appropriate clothing, make visual contact with your visitor, and take them through a tour of your poster.  Show excitement!

 2.  If more viewers arrive halfway through your spiel, finish your tour through your poster for the earlier arrivals.

 3.  Answer their questions directly, and if you do not know the answer, do not “fake” an answer.

 4.  Be prepared to discuss direction and further work that this project could lead you in the future.

 5.  Always thank your visitors for stopping by your poster.

Celebration of Student Scholarship Scoring Rubric

Celebration of Student Scholarship Poster Presentation Rubric


Images /diagrams are relevant and appealing and add to purpose.

Overall design of the poster enhances understanding.

A few visuals are useful in the poster. Few aspects of poster design are helpful.

0 1 2 3 4

Visuals are pleasing and have relation to the content. Poster design is moderately effective.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Visuals enhance the content and draw the audience.

Overall design of the poster enhances understanding.

12 13 14 15


Higher-order critical thinking, problem solving and/or research are evident and discussed by students.

Small amount of critical thinking, problem solving or research is evident.

0 1 2 3  4

Some critical thinking, problem solving, or research is evident.

5 6 7  8 9 10 11

Critical thinking, problem solving, and/or research are firmly evident andstrengthens the project.

12 13  14  15


a. Artistic tradition or reflection

Little evidence of artistic tradition or reflection./

Little evidence of

Some artistic tradition or reflection presented./ Some

evidence of collaboration and

Strong artistic tradition or reflection presented./ Strong evidence of collaboration and community engagement./ Strong evidence of background information, appropriateanalytical techniques, or appropriate citations.

12 13  14  15

presented./ OR

collaboration and

community engagement./

b. Collaboration and engagement with

community engagement./

Some evidence of background

community./ OR

Little evidence of

information, appropriate

c. Background information/literature

review, appropriate analytical

background information,


analytical techniques, or

appropriate citations.

techniques, and appropriate citations.

techniques, or appropriate


5 6 7  8 9 10 11

0 1 2 3  4


Demonstrates understanding of the project and appropriate knowledge or techniques to accomplish it.

Able to reflect on the process and how the project could be improved, as well as how the project fits within a discipline.

Student does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the project through their description. Student does not communicate reflections on the project or connections to their field.

0 1 2 3 4

Student demonstrates some understanding of the project, but also some gaps. Student communicates some reflections on the project and connections to their field.

5 6 7  8 9 10 11

Student clearly understands the project; presentation is well-organized and professional; clear knowledge of subject.

Student clearly reflects on the project and makes connections within their field.

12 13  14  15


Project has little

Project has some creative or unique features./

Project shows moderate impact on community./ Project shows moderate results.

5 6 7  8 9 10 11

Project shows strong

  1. Shows creativity, originality and innovation./ OR
  2. Shows impact of student’s engagement with community./ OR
  3. Shows measurable results of student’s research.

creative or unique features./ Project shows little impact on community./

Project shows only minor results.

0 1 2 3  4

creativity and innovation./ Project shows major impact on community./ Project shows clear results.

12 13  14  15


What purpose or relevance does the project have? Is there a plan in the fall to complete project if not completed yet?

No or little evidence of student, classroom, community or

disciplinary impact.

0 1 2 3  4

Some evidence for student, classroom, community or disciplinary impact.

5 6 7  8 9 10 11

Strong evidence for student,classroom, community or disciplinary impact.

12 13  14  15



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