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English 090/099: ENG 090

St. Martin's Handbook (e-book)

St. Martin's Handbook (access the e-handbook here)

Search Tips

Use your main ideas as keywords.

Connect keywords with AND.

Experiment with different combinations of words when you search.

For example --




skin, redness, age, sun, acne, genetics, etc.

Possible Searches

causes AND Rosacea

hormones AND "skin changes"

Find Books

Library Catalog (find anything located in our library)

Find Articles

EBSCO FT (search for articles in more than 5,000 journals)

Health Source - Consumer Edition  (search for articles published in more than 500 general health magazines)

MEDLINE (from the National Library of Medicine - find articles published in all areas of medine)

Assignment: Disease Paper (Vanmeter)

We will be writing an informative research paper on a disease of your choice. Be sure to limit your topic to the scope of the paper.  Each student will need to complete the following steps in the order they are listed.  The grade is all or nothing.  If all parts are not completed, no credit will be given.  Parts must be turned in when due, not at the end of the paper.

  1. Compile an Annotated Bibliography with no fewer than ten entries.  Use approved sources only.
  1. Read and annotate the sources in your Annotated Bibliography..
  1. Put the annotation in your own words as notes.

  2. Write a thesis sentence and make an informal outline to follow.
  1. Write the introduction and have it peer evaluated.
  1. Write the body of the paper and have it peer evaluated.  Be sure you use correct documentation.
  1. Write the conclusion of the paper and do a Works Cited page and have it peer evaluated.
  1. Write the complete rough draft of the paper and have it peer evaluated.
  1. Revise and submit a final copy, including all steps leading up to the final copy.

 A final checklist for turning in your completed folder will be given at a later date!!!


 Sample Informal Outline for Paper

  1. Introduction (background)
  2. Causes of disease
  3. Symptoms and diagnosis
  4. Treatments
  5. Side effects
  6. Conclusion

Librarian for English

Profile Photo
Tom Kmetz
Room 308
Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead State University
(606) 783-5111

CDC List of Diseases and Conditions

 Diseases and Conditions (A-Z List)

Animal Diseases

Use this database to find information on animal related illness, injury and disease.

Agricola (1970-present)

Mental Illnesses

Types of Mental Illness

Use this database also:

PsycInfo (find information on psychology related topics)