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First Year Seminar - Topical Guides

A Parade of Ridiculously Specific Encyclopedias

The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana

The first reference work devoted exclusively to Victorian literature of the fantastic.









Rhetorical Question:

Since there appears to be an encyclopedia for almost any topic you can imagine, then why rely on Wikipedia?
























In fact, most professors won't allow you to use Wikipedia.


Most academic disciplines have at least one "authoritative" or "standard" reference work that is recognized as being important by everyone familiar with the discipline.

Below are several examples of these that we own as e-books.  A complete A to Z list of e-book encyclopedias is available on the library's home page.


A good researcher will know to use these as starting points.


Reference Universe

Enter your search terms:

Reference Universe

Enter your search terms:
This is an excellent, scholarly alternative to Wikipedia.  It allows you to search back-of-the-book indexes and article titles in thousands of reference books owned by Camden-Carroll Library.  If it is an e-book you can access it.  If it is a print book you can find its call number and then the volume and page numbers for your topic.