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Request It! Services

Guide to all request and delivery services for Morehead State Camden-Carroll Library

Request It! Services

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All books from another library are placed on the hold shelf at circulation by default. If you selected office delivery or deliver to home, we will deliver accordingly.

Pull to Hold

If we own the item and you're selecting 'Pick up at the Circulation Desk' (known as our "pull to hold" service), please allow 1-2 business days for processing. We do not abide time limits set by users. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received.

Office Delivery

Requests for the delivery service may be made at any time through the Library catalog; however, the actual delivery service is available from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, during the Library's regular open hours. For example, a delivery request placed before 9 a.m. on a weekday will be processed and delivered to the person's departmental office the same day. The service is not available when campus offices are closed. Please allow 1-2 business days.


Pull to Hold

This service is open to all faculty/staff/students.

Office Delivery

Faculty and staff who work on the main campus of Morehead State University can place a Campus Delivery Service request through the Library's online catalog for delivery of circulating items held by the Library. Student workers will deliver items to department or unit offices. Items may also be pulled and held at the Circulation Desk. If after 7 days the item is not picked up, the item will be returned to the collection.

Need Help?

Question about these services?

Call Request It! Services at 606-783-2237 or email us at