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Request It! Services

Guide to all request and delivery services for Morehead State Camden-Carroll Library

Request It! Services

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Type of Request

There are two different forms you can fill out.


This form is used to submit requests for articles from journals, magazines, or book chapters.


Use this form to request books, cds, dvds, music scores, and any other physical items.


Here are some important things to note when filling out this form:

The title is crucial in filling your request in a timely manner.

If you can provide an isbn or issn number, it will help expedite your request

If you've found a citation online, please provide the URL for your citation for reference.

Always provide a year on your request. There are often multiple versions of a book.


Use this form to request books, cds, dvds, music scores, and any other physical items.




If you're unsure about which option to choose under 'How would you like to receive this item?' Please visit our Access Options: Off-Campus Delivery or Access Options: On-Campus Pickup and Delivery