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Camden-Carroll Library
Art and Design
Faculty Services
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Art and Design
Library resources and services for students and faculty
Art and Design
Journal Articles
Reference Sources
Streaming Video
Faculty Services
Department of Art and Design
Home Page for the Department of Art and Design
Program Descriptions
Librarian for Art and Design
Stacy Scott
Email Me
Schedule Appointment
Camden-Carroll Library
Acquisitions Room 301
606 783 5117
LinkedIn Page
Gender Studies
Political Science
Library Services for Art and Design Faculty
'My Library' Account
Log in to your personal account in our system.
Alerting Services
Set up alerting for books or journals.
Bibliographic Management
Save a tremendous amount of time by automating the process of creating a Work Cited list.
Campus Delivery Service for Faculty and Staff
Items from the library can be delivered to your departmental mail slot.
Copyright Permission Service
Seek copyright permissions for the use of protected material in your classrooms, particularly online classrooms.
Course Reserves
Learn how to set up course reserves for your students.
Getting Published: Choosing and Evaluating Journals
Identify reputable journals in which you might publish and avoid disreputable ones.
Learning Technology Lab
The Lab provides MSU students, faculty, and staff access to multimedia software and equipment.
Library Discovery (Catalog)
Alma is the main discovery interface, for all types of materials, for the library at Morehead State University.
Library Instructional Services
Learn about our instructional services. Schedule an instructional session for your classes.
Regional Campus Library Services
Teaching a class at one of the various MSU Regional Campus locations? Go here to learn about MSU library services for you and your students.
Requesting Library Materials
Learn how to request new library materials and find out who your Faculty Contact is in your dept to order new library materials.
Request It
Get books and articles from other libraries for your research needs.
Resources for Research Instruction
We offer some tips and information for creating research assignments that make the most effective use of library resources.