Policies & Procedures
User Services, located at the main desk inside the entrance of Camden-Carroll Library, is where you'll find assistance with accessing and borrowing the library's materials. This includes: finding, borrowing, renewing, and returning resources; help logging into your library account (to view check-outs, renewals, and requests); learning about equipment available to students, staff, and faculty; and exploring non-traditional items that are available, such as DVDs, CDs, learning aids, games, and much more. Simply bring your MSU ID.
Print Materials | Faculty & Staff | Students | Community | Other |
Books | 9 weeks | 4 weeks | 4 weeks | 2 weeks |
Government Documents | 9 weeks | 4 weeks | 4 weeks | 2 weeks |
Recreational Reading | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks |
Journals, Magazines, & Newspapers | Library Use Only | Library Use Only | Library Use Only | Library Use Only |
Course Reserves | Professor's Preference (2 hours; 1 day; 3 days; or, 1 week) | |||
Microforms | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks |
Non-Print Materials | Faculty & Staff | Students | Community | Other |
Audio CDs & Computer Software | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks | 2 weeks |
DVDs & Videos | 1 week | 1 week | 1 week | 1 week |
Cameras (some restrictions apply) | 2 days | 2 days | N/A | N/A |
Laptops & iPads | Varies | 4 hours | N/A | N/A |
Calculators | N/A | Semester (for students enrolled in specific math courses only) | N/A | N/A |
Teaching Aids | 9 weeks | 4 weeks | 4 weeks | 2 weeks |
Course Reserves | Professor's Preference (2 hours; 1 day; 3 days; or, 1 week) |
Courtesy notices are provided to students, faculty, and staff and sent to MSU email accounts. They are generally sent several days before an item is due; however, the library does not guarantee they are always available due to server downtime and/or holiday breaks.
Non-university patrons may borrow materials by completing a registration form and purchasing a Library ID ($6). Lost non-university IDs will be replaced for $5.
For more information, call the Circulation desk at 606 - 783 - 2200, or visit the Community Members page.
All items except microforms, laptops, cameras and reserve items may be renewed. Items with "holds" cannot be renewed. The number of renewals per item is:
Renew items online by logging into your Library Account.
A patron may request a checked-out item by placing a hold on that item. When the item is returned, a notice of availability will be sent to the person who placed the hold. The item may be picked up at the Circulation Desk. After seven days, items not picked up will be returned to the shelves (or made available to the next person who has it on hold). All circulating items, except reserve materials, laptops, and cameras may have holds placed on them. To qualify for a hold, the circulating item must have a status of "Charged," "Missing," or "In Processing."
University patrons may borrow up to 50 items. Community patrons are limited to 10 items.
You may pay your fines at the Circulation Desk by sending a check to us via the mail or by phone using a credit card. Call 606-783-5490 when the Library is open. The Library also accepts Beaker Bucks.
Books, DVDs, CDs, Teaching Aids, Government Documents, Microforms, Computer Software, and other basic library items | $0.50 per day per item (maximum $15 per item) |
Reserve Items | $0.50 per hour |
Laptops | $0.10 per minute |
Cameras | $5.00 per day |
Other equipment | $2.00 per day (up to the replacement cost of the item) |
When most users owe $50.00 or more, all library privileges will be suspended, and a hold will be placed on the university system, blocking the release of transcripts and class registration. This policy applies to community members when the amount owed is $10.00 or more.
If a "hold" has been placed on your University account, you may pay your fine in the following ways:
Attn: Circulation
Camden-Carroll Library
150 University Blvd.
Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351
Any item that is more than 30 days overdue is considered lost. Patrons are billed $80 for each lost item. This includes $50 for each lost item plus a $15 service charge, plus a $15 overdue fine. If the "lost" item is returned, the replacement cost ($50) and service charge ($15) are dropped (unless the bill has been turned over to a collection agency), but the overdue charge remains.
After approximately 90 days, bills of patrons owing $50 or more are sent to a collection agency. Once bills are placed with the collection agency, the $50 credit for each lost item returned to the Library is reduced to $37.50.
Camden-Carroll Library patrons who have a dispute with the fines/fees that have been assessed in their name, may choose to have their dispute heard by the Fines/Fees Appeals Committee.
I. Before an appeal is filed, a discussion with the Head of Access Services, or a designee, should take place. If an agreement cannot be reached, the patron may wish to file an appeal.
II. The appeal may be filed in the Dean's office or the Access Services Department, using an appeals form provided. The patron record will be modified to show the fines/fees being appealed, and that all holds and other limitations on library use will be removed until the appeal is decided.
III. The Dean of Libraries or, in his/her absence, the Head of Access Services, or designee, is required to submit all appeals to the chairperson of the Committee within three working days after the appeal is filed.
IV. Appeals shall be heard once a month on a regular schedule during the fall and spring semesters, with a 10-day notice to appellants. The cut-off date for appeals each month will be 2 weeks in advance of the hearing date. Appeals received after that date will be addressed at the next month's hearing.
V. The appellant may appear in person at the hearing and is allowed one other person to appear on the appellant's behalf. Any evidence that the appellant wishes to submit may be presented, provided it is valid and relevant in respect to the appeal.
VI. If the appellant informs the Head of Access Services within a week of the hearing that he/she is not able to attend for a justifiable reason, the Head of Access Services may allow the appellant the opportunity to appear at the next scheduled meeting.
VII. If the appellant fails to appear at the first scheduled hearing without informing the Committee OR if the appellant is not present at the second scheduled hearing, the Committee will make a decision based on the information available.
VIII. The Head of Access Services, or designee, and the appellant will be notified of the Committee's decision within three working days of the hearing.
Copies of the appeals form will be distributed as follows:
Faculty and staff who work on the main campus of Morehead State University can place a Campus Delivery Service request through the Library's online catalog for delivery of circulating items held by the Library. Student workers will deliver items to department or unit offices. Items may also be pulled and held at the Circulation Desk. If after 7 days the item is not picked up, the item will be returned to the collection.
Requests for the delivery service may be made at any time through the Library's catalog; however, the actual delivery service is available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, during the Library's regular open hours. For example, a delivery request placed before 9 a.m. on a weekday will be processed and delivered to the person's departmental office the same day. The service is not available when campus offices are closed.
You may also follow the directions here to learn how to make delivery service requests.
Stop by the Circulation Desk and ask to see a demonstration of the service.
For more information call the Camden-Carroll Library Circulation Desk at 606-783-5490.
Required Information
Reserve material should have the following information attached:
Additional information may be required upon completion of the reserve form. A copy of the course syllabus is helpful.
Placing an item on reserve may require 2-3 days, especially at the beginning of a semester. Please have the item and its associated form completed at the earliest possible time prior to its intended classroom use. We cannot maintain a permanent reserve collection. All reserves will be returned to the instructor or placed back into circulation at the end of the semester.
The Library will obtain clearance for your use of copyrighted materials that are available in the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), but please be aware that cost limitations do apply ($150 per class per semester).
For materials that are not available via the CCC or that exceed the cost limitation, it is the instructor's responsibility to obtain copyright permissions as needed.
For more information, visit the Copyright Permission Service tab on the Faculty & Staff page.
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Horton at 606-783-2238.
Below is one example of a copyright letter to be sent to the publisher for an item that needs permission from the copyright holder in order to be placed on reserve or e-reserve at the library.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. Under certain conditions specified by the law, libraries, and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for or later uses a photocopy or reproductions for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copyright order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve a violation of copyright law.
Camden-Carroll Library Collection Development Policy
Institutional Objective
The Camden-Carroll Library collection is designed to support the total program and educational objectives of Morehead State University. The total program ranges from undergraduate through graduate levels. Camden-Carroll Library must offer resources and services to support the teaching and research needs of the students, faculty, and community. The collection development policy is intended to fulfill the requirements set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, American Library Association Standards, and the objectives as defined by the Library.
Selecting New Library Materials
Collection development at Camden-Carroll Library is based on a centralized budget administered in-house by the Dean of Library Services. The Dean and the Librarians will maintain a close working relationship with academic departments through faculty contacts and chairs to make certain we are subscribing to the journals and electronic databases needed by each department and that we are purchasing books, electronic resources, and other new materials necessary to support and enhance the curriculum of University programs. The Library subscribes to a just-in-time budget philosophy, meaning that the Library will set up and maintain processes to secure and deliver needed materials to faculty and students on a request basis. These processes include but are not limited to, interlibrary loan, pay-per-view for articles, demand-driven access to monographs, and other leading technologies to ensure access to library patrons. The Library will work within this infrastructure to provide these services as seamlessly as possible, including assigning library staff to work on collection development tasks. The Library will find the best ways to implement demand-driven purchases of e-books and other materials as found useful by library patrons.
An adequate university library collection benefits from the active interest of faculty in recommending acquisitions pertinent to their specialized fields. The Library will set aside funds for continuing resources and firm orders as faculty, staff, and students need resources, and no academic department will find itself without the possibility of purchasing necessary items. The Library will work through the Library Committee and academic department faculty contacts and chairs to fulfill as many needs as possible with the funds that are available.
Many excellent and important materials are added to the collection as gifts. Books and other materials are accepted only if the Library does not already have a copy. The Library may dispose of gifts if they fail to make a worthwhile addition to the collection. All gift books added to the collection or purchased with money given to the Library are incorporated within the Library’s general collection. Book plates will be placed in gift books upon request of the donor. Gifts of rare books are placed in the Special Collections when appropriate. The Camden-Carroll Library will not be responsible for the donor’s monetary valuation statement for tax for other purposes.
Weeding, or the removal of obsolete materials for purposes of discarding, is an integral part of the total organized effort to study and develop the collection. Excess duplicate copies, seldom-used titles, and badly damaged copies are withdrawn from the collection.
Controversial materials
The Library will make available to faculty and students materials that offer the widest possible variety of viewpoints, regardless of the popularity of these viewpoints or of the popularity or unpopularity of the authors; or of the frankness of language or controversial manner an author may use in dealing with subjects of religion, politics, sex, social, economic, scientific, or moral issues.
updated in 2019