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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Business information from articles appearing in professional publications, academic journals, and trade magazines published worldwide.
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Subject Coverage: accounting, banking, computers, economics, engineering management, communications, finance, health care, human resources, insurance, international trends, law, management, marketing, public administration, real estate, taxation, telecommunications, transportation

Dates of Coverage:
1971 to 1986 (for the deep backfile)
1986 to 1997 (for the backfile)
1999 to present (for the current file)
1991 to present (for records with abstracts)

Update Frequency: weekly

Size: more than 2,400,000 records

Academic Search Complete
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Contains 6,550 full-text journals (with 5,890 of them peer-reviewed). Searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,400 journals.
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Subject Coverage:
animal science, anthropology, astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, music, pharmaceutical sciences, philosophy, physics, psychology, religion, science, technology, veterinary science, women's studies, zoology

Dates of Coverage:
PDF content dating back as far as 1887

Update Frequency:

over 13,780 indexed and abstracted journals

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes and abstracts journal articles, books, book chapters, and other formats that relate to all aspects of agriculture.
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Subject Coverage:
agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, chemistry, energy, entomology, cooperative extension, food science, forestry, geography, home economics, human nutrition, life sciences, natural resources, plant diseases, insect pests and their control, rural sociology, veterinary medicine

Dates of Coverage:
1970 to present

Update Frequency:
monthly (during the academic year)

more than 4,800,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Alternate Name(s):Primo
ALMA is the main discovery interface, for all types of materials, for the library at Morehead State University.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Provides an alternative to corporate-controlled media at the national and local levels. Subject specific publications and grass roots media are included.
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Subject Coverage:
contemporary social issues, ecology, labor, public policy

Dates of Coverage:
1970 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 670,000 records

A package of 37 plays by Shakespeare produced in the 1980s by the BBC.
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Subject Coverage:
Shakespeare's plays

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:
no updates

37 steaming video theatrical productions

America: History and Life - Full Text
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Indexes and abstracts English-language scholarly literature for the history of the United States and Canada. Records indexing book and media reviews of historical interest are also included.
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Subject Coverage:
American History, Canadian History, popular culture, American Studies, ethnic studies, sociology, anthropology, women's studies/gender studies, genealogy, historic preservation, literature/folklore

Dates of Coverage:
1955 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 400,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Full text of the periodical holdings of the American Antiquarian Society. The entire AAS collection features about 6,500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century.
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Subject Coverage:
agriculture, architecture, art, books and publishing, business, ethnic groups, family, government, history, industry, language, law, literature, medicine, music, philosophy, politics, religion, revolutionary war, science

Dates of Coverage:
1691 to 1877

Update Frequency:

more than 7 million pages

American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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The web editions of nearly 35 journals published by the American Chemical Society are searchable in this database.
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Subject Coverage:
applied chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, biotechnology, core chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers, and material science

Dates of Coverage:
1996 to present

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
An open access archive for the journals of the American Society of Agronomy
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Alternate Name(s):Ancestry.com
powered by Ancestry.com (a very popular consumer online genealogy resource), includes diverse sources like censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, and maps.
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Subject Coverage:
genealogical information

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:
"ongoing updates"

200+ billion images in 7,000 unique databases

focused on helping the regulated community with employee training and to promote the humane care and use of animals by providing information on alternatives (improved methods of animal experimentation which could reduce or replace animal use or minimize pain and distress to animals).
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Analyzes and synthesizes the top research done in the fields of Biomedical Sciences, Social Sciences, and Physical Sciences for any given year.
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Subject Coverage:
anthropology, astronomy & astrophysics, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, biophysics & biomolecular structure, cell & developmental biology, clinical psychology, computer science, earth & planetary sciences, ecology, evolution & systematics, entomology, environment & resources, fluid mechanics, genetics, genomics & human genetics, immunology, law and social science, materials research, medicine, microbiology, neuroscience, nuclear & particle science, nutrition, pharmacology & toxicology, physical chemistry, physiology, phytopathology, plant biology, political science, psychology, public health, sociology

Dates of Coverage:
1932 to present (for indexing)
1996 to present (for full text)

Update Frequency:

more than 30,000 records

APA PsycInfo
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  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s):PsycINFO
Indexes journal articles, technical reports, monographic series, dissertations, and other materials relating to psychology. Articles are selected from more than 1,500 journals published in 35 languages.
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Subject Coverage:
psychology & related fields

Dates of Coverage:
1600s to present

Update Frequency:

more than 5 million records

Ninety-nine percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed.
Has one of the highest DOI matching rates in the publishing industry
Offers options for searching on Cited References
Training Videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/APAPublishingTraining/videos

Applied Science & Technology Index
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Indexes more than 350 key, international English-language periodicals in the applied sciences and technology. It is a good source of information on management, careers and employment, and financial trends in the scientific and technological fields.
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Subject Coverage:
chemistry, computer technology, data processing, energy-related disciplines, engineering, mathematics, physics

Dates of Coverage:
October 1983 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 1,300,000 records

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Indexing and abstracting of the world's literature on the science, technology, management, and conservation of marine, brackish water, and freshwater resources and environments, including their socio-economic and legal aspects.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Open access to more than one million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a searchable, customizable resource for writers and editors. The online edition includes "Ask the Editor", "Topical Guides", and "Pronunciation Guide". It is mobile optimized for use on desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
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Subject Coverage:
Specialized chapters on sports, business, food, fashion, religion, broadcast, data journalism, social media and punctuation.

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:
regularly throughout the year

the current edition of the AP Style Manual

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Full text and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing.

NOTE: The library cancelled its subscription to the full text package in 2023. By the end of 2026 ACM plans to have transitioned all of their journals to open access. Until then this database offers partial full text access. Please make use of the "Find it" button to request articles.

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Subject Coverage:
computing, programming, computer science, software, networking, information systems

Dates of Coverage:
1947 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 300,000 full text records


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries, including the Smithsonian Institute, that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.”
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Subject Coverage:
zoology, botany, evolutionary biology, taxonomy, ecology, natural history, scientific illustration, biological science historiography

Dates of Coverage:
The bulk of material in the BHL is in the public domain in the United States, meaning that the publication date is prior to 1923. Materials published after 1922 are available in the BHL for one or more of the following reasons: 1) explicit permission to provide the content online from the copyright holder; 2) U.S. Federal government publications are in the public domain; 3) Works for which the copyright was not renewed; 4) Works made available via open access repositories

Update Frequency:

over 120,000 titles and over 200,000 volumes

Biography Reference Bank
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Cites biographical material appearing in periodicals, current books of individual and collective biography, and incidental biographical material in otherwise non-biographical books. Biographical subjects indexed range from antiquity to the present and represent all fields and nationalities.
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Subject Coverage:
biographical information

Dates of Coverage:
July 1984 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 500,000 people
more than 36,000 images

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Alternate Name(s):pronounced "bio-archive"
A free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and educational institution. By posting preprints on bioRxiv, authors are able to make their findings immediately available to the scientific community and receive feedback on draft manuscripts before they are submitted to journals.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media.
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Subject Coverage:
activism, civil rights, discrimination, disenfranchisement, flights to freedom, prejudice, protest movements, segregation, slavery, voter suppression, and voting rights.

Dates of Coverage:
1976 to present

Update Frequency:

not available

BrowZine Web
Create Personal Account
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Create Personal Account
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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A browsable newsstand of the library’s online journals. Easily discover, read, and monitor the key journals in your field.

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A version that is an app for mobile devices is also available.

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Offers indexing and abstracting for nearly 2000 business periodicals along with online full-text for nearly 1300 of those titles -- which include a number of scholarly journals.
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Subject Coverage:
business, management, economics, banking, finance, accounting, international business

Dates of Coverage:
January 1984 to present
January 1990 to present (for records with full text)

Update Frequency:

not available

Business Source Premier: BSP Interface
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Offers indexing and abstracting for nearly 2000 business periodicals along with online full-text for nearly 1300 of those titles -- which include a number of scholarly journals. The BSI interface offers easy access to company, industry, country, and market reports.
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Subject Coverage:
business, management, economics, banking, finance, accounting, international business

Dates of Coverage:
January 1984 to present
January 1990 to present (for records with full text)

Update Frequency:

not available


C-Span Video Library
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Records, indexes, and archives all three C-SPAN networks seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Programs are indexed by subject, speaker names, titles, affiliations, sponsors, committees, categories, formats, policy groups, keywords, and location. The congressional sessions and committee hearings are indexed by person with full-text.
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Subject Coverage:
House and Senate floor proceedings, public policy discussions and debates

Dates of Coverage:
1987 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 160,000 hours

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Cabells has set itself the task of policing predatory publishing. Faculty and students seeking to publish their work in scholarly journals can use Cabells to assess the stature and integrity of the journals they are considering. The Predatory Reports list allows a researcher to see which journals are violating best practices and specifically what they are doing wrong..
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Subject Coverage:
accounting, economics and finance, management, marketing, educational curriculum and methods, education psychology and administration, educational technology and library science, psychology and psychiatry, computer science and business information systems, health administration, nursing, mathematics, astronomy, biological science, chemistry, geology, oceanography, physics

Dates of Coverage:
recent editions

Update Frequency:
at least annually

more than 11,000 journals in the Journalytics database
more than 15,000 journals in the Predatory Reports database

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
The Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection offers comprehensive and accessible essays written by experts. The authors are placed in literary and historical context; their major works are analysed, either in separate chapters or grouped according to theme, and their influence on later writers assessed. The generic and topical Companions cover periods and genres.
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Subject Coverage:
major authors, periods, genres

Dates of Coverage:
1993 to present

Update Frequency:
as new print volumes are published

more than 176 titles and more than 1500 essays

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
The full-text for roughly 25 online journal subscriptions and a half dozen open access journal titles are available to MSU on this platform. Keyword searching picks up the indexing for hundreds of other journals published by Cambridge.
Career & Technical Education
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a source of vocational information. Keeping current with journals in a field is easily accomplished with e-mail alerting or RSS feeds.
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Subject Coverage:
technology, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, photography, and nursing

Dates of Coverage:
1991 to present

Update Frequency:

not available

Offers an open resource for accessing chemical information.
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Nearly 500,000 chemical substances from CAS REGISTRY®
Choice Reviews Online
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides an online archive of objective, high-quality evaluations of nonfiction academic writing. Contains over 200,000 reviews of academic monographs. Publishing some 5,000 new reviews annually.
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Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
1988 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 200,000 book reviews

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is an indispensable source of news, commentary, and data for academe. The library's site license includes complete access to the archive back to 1989 and a number of extras: almanac issues back to 1995; special reports; supplemental information for print articles; slide shows and video; and alerting.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
various aspects of higher education

Dates of Coverage:
1989 to present
1995 to present (almanac issues)

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
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CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature) indexes and abstracts more than 900 nursing, allied health, biomedical, and consumer health journals. It includes healthcare books, nursing dissertations, standards of professional practice, nurse practice acts, and educational software.
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Subject Coverage:
nursing and allied health

Dates of Coverage:
1982 to present
1986 to present (for records with abstracts)

Update Frequency:

more than 670,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Contains the full-text of the most widely-read poems in a number of modern and ancient languages. It offers complete coverage of a number of major poets. In addition users will find current poetry from poetry periodicals, such as Poetry Magazine, The Southern Review, and Poetry Northwest.
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Subject Coverage:
poetry in English, Anglo-Saxon, French, Gaelic, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Provencal, Spanish, Welsh, and Yiddish

Dates of Coverage:
antiquity to the present

Update Frequency:

more than 250,000 poems
more than 450,000 citations

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session.
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Subject Coverage:
congress, the legislative process

Dates of Coverage:
1993 to present

Update Frequency:
daily (when Congress is in session)

not available

CRS is Congress’ think tank, and its reports are relied upon by academics, businesses, judges, policy advocates, students, librarians, journalists, and policymakers for accurate and timely analysis of important policy issues. The reports are not classified and do not contain individualized advice to any specific member of Congress.
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Dates of Coverage:
mid 1990s to the present

Update Frequency:

more than 8,300 reports

As government information these reports are in the public domain and can be used freely without concerns over copyright.

Consumer Health Complete
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is designed to support patients' information needs and foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. Users can search and browse within medical encyclopedias, popular reference books, magazine articles, pamphlets, videos, and animations.
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Subject Coverage:
aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, men & women's health

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 5000 publications
more than 500 pamphlets
more than 200 reference books
several hundred videos and animations

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a magazine covering congress that is staffed by more than 100 reporters, editors, and researchers. Articles are in plain-english are non-partisan. The subscription to current coverage was dropped in 2024, but an archive from 1983 through 2015 remains accessible.
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Subject Coverage:
congress, the legislative process

Dates of Coverage:
1983 to 2015

Update Frequency:

equivalent to a dozen shelves worth of bound volumes

CQ Researcher
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Is a topical weekly publication that explores a single "hot" issue in-depth. Each weekly report seeks to be an objective, balanced treatment of the topic and runs approximately 12,000 words.
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Subject Coverage:
social issues, teen issues, the environment, health, education, science, and technology

Dates of Coverage:
October 25, 1991 to present
January 1996 (PDF files included)
January 2001 (color PDF files included)

Update Frequency:

not available

The library does not subscribe to Current Protocols on the web. However, it is possible for faculty in the sciences who need to download an up-to-date protocol may do so by using tokens that the library has accrued. Click on 'more...' for details.
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1) Search in the Wiley Online Library to locate the document that you want. You will be blocked from accessing it by a login prompt.

2) Contact Dr. Sean O'Keefe 606-783-2954 in the Biology Department and let him know what you need. He will decide whether the number of documents you are requesting is affordable. If so he will spend the necessary tokens to make that document available inside the database interface for a 24 hour window.

A single token costs roughly $25 and annually the library has a limited number of tokens to spend.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
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Subject Coverage:
European dissertations and theses

Dates of Coverage:
1597 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 106,000 research theses

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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Seeks to make available datasets, and tools for utilizing them, from across the federal government. The Open Government Directive required agencies to register at least three new high-value datasets on Data.gov by January 22, 2010.
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Subject Coverage:
data gathered by the federal government

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 260,000 datasets

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
A free online library providing access to millions of books, photographs, maps, audiovisual materials and more from libraries, archives, and museums from across the United States.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Offers documentaries and interviews to reveal the inner workings of the theatre arts in Britain.
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Subject Coverage:
British theatre arts

Dates of Coverage:
2009 to present

Update Frequency:
approximately twice monthly

more than 200 hours

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a comprehensive list of scholarly e-books which are freely available on the web. Currently it provides access to more than 87,000 books.
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Subject Coverage:
a large variety of subjects

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 2,400 books

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a comprehensive list of scholarly journals which make the full text of their articles freely available on the web.
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Subject Coverage:
a large variety of subjects

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 10,555,000 articles

Dissertations & Theses Global
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes doctoral dissertations accepted at accredited U.S. institutions since 1861. It selectively covers Master's Theses, Canadian dissertations, and British and other European dissertations going back to 1637. Nearly half of the records link to the full-text document.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers the complete range of academic subjects appearing in dissertations accepted at accredited institutions

Dates of Coverage:
1637 to present (for selected British and European dissertations)
1861 to present (for indexing of U.S. dissertations)
July 1980 to present (for dissertations with abstracts)
January 1988 to present (for Master's Theses with abstracts)
1997 to present (for the full-text of most dissertations)
2013 to present (for indexing and full-text of theses produced at Morehead State University)

Update Frequency:

more than 3,800,000 records
more than 1.700.000 full-text documents


Ebook Central
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Alternate Name(s):formerly known as ebrary
Offers a small but growing collection of mostly non-fiction e-books. The library's catalog contains records for all e-books. Among them are those that we purchase from Ebook Central.
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Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:
whenever new titles are purchased

more than 350 books

eBook Collection
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Offers a large collection of mostly non-fiction e-books. The library's catalog contains records for all of these e-books. [Formerly known as NetLibrary]
Access to individual e-books is limited to 1 user at a time.
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Subject Coverage:
scholarly monographs, reference titles, computer manuals, and other non-fiction

Dates of Coverage:
2001 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 125,000 e-books

Access to individual e-books is limited to 1 user at a time.

An e-book may be viewed for any period of time but will automatically check itself back in after 15 minutes of inactivity. "Activity" is defined as traffic between the PC and the server. Using the scroll bar to move down the page is not activity. Clicking into a new page is activity.

Education Full Text
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Covers every age and sector of the educational community from preschool through college. It cites every article of at least one column in length in more than 770 English-language periodicals.
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Subject Coverage:
numerous aspects of education

Dates of Coverage:
June 1983 to present (indexing)
1994 to present (abstracts)
1996 to present (selected full text)

Update Frequency:

more than 602,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes and abstracts thousands of education-related materials. It includes journal articles, books, theses, curriculi, conference papers, and standards and guidelines.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers all aspects of education

Dates of Coverage:
1966 to present
1993 to present (for records with full-text)

Update Frequency:

more than 1,000,000 records

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Provides a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
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Subject Coverage:
botany, the Catholic Church, commerce, economics, fisheries, geography, Indians, Jesuits, law, mineral resources, navigation, pirates, shipping, slave-trade, tobacco

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 32,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Offers a single interface for several databases with content appropriate for primary school students. It also offers content for educators including lesson plans and curriculum standards.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a variety of topics of interest to schoolchildren and to educators at the primary level

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies

Update Frequency:
weekly for most journal and magazine titles

not available

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Offers a single interface for several databases with content appropriate for secondary school students. It also offers content for educators including lesson plans and curriculum standards.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a variety of topics of interest to high school students and to educators at the secondary level

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies

Update Frequency:
weekly for most journal and magazine titles

not available


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Brings together and enhances more than seven decades of domestic and international news.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
political, social, and economic news events

Dates of Coverage:
October 1940 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 92,000 records

Films on Demand
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a large multi-disciplinary collection of streaming video.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
numerous subjects and disciplines are covered.

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:
new titles are added individually (about 600 annually)

more than 24,000 titles

Closed captioning is available using Windows Media Player and Flash Player.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a platform which allows researchers to use traditional print directories like a database and sort and export data to analyze or generate mailing lists.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
directory information across a variety of social and business sectors

Dates of Coverage:
the coverage will be for whichever year a particular title has been purchased

Update Frequency:
whenever a new edition of a particular directory is purchased by the library


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender consisting of four collections:
~ LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I
~ LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II
~ Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
~ International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture
More Info

Subject Coverage:
gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender

Dates of Coverage:
16th Century to present

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars, researchers, and students at the college and university level.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
african american studies, african studies, american studies, asian studies, business and economic history, gender, sexuality, womens' studies, international relations, Latin american and caribbean studies, law, politics, and radical studies

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Covers a broad assortment of both far-right and radical left political groups. It offers a diverse mixture of materials, including periodicals, campaign propaganda, government records, oral histories, and various ephemera.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
fringe political movements

Dates of Coverage:
1900s to 2010s

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Connects archival collections concerning women’s history from across the globe. Focuses on the evolution of feminism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Provides materials on women’s political activism, such as suffrage, birth control, pacifism, civil rights, and socialism, and on women’s voices, from female-authored literature to women’s periodicals.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
evolution of feminism

Dates of Coverage:
19th and 20th Centuries

Update Frequency:


Offers an interactive web-based platform presenting global cancer statistics to inform cancer control and cancer research. The platform focuses on the visualization of cancer indicators to illustrate the changing scale, epidemiological profile, and impact of the disease worldwide.
Google Scholar
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
A search engine for scholarly articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
academically-oriented digital resources

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Serves as the primary finding tool for historical and current federal publications.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers numerous subject areas

Dates of Coverage:
July 1976 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 500,000 records

The CGP was originally the online counterpart of the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, which had been printed since the passage of the Printing Act of 1895. The print version of the Monthly Catalog was discontinued with the December 2004 edition. For publications issued prior to 1976, the printed Monthly Catalog should be consulted.

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Contains the full-text of many government documents. It updates and replaces GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys) website.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers numerous subject areas

Dates of Coverage:
1994 to present

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Alternate Name(s):Oxford Music Online
The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by over 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history, theory and cultures of music around the globe
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Alternate Name(s):HeinOnline
Brings together periodicals, key compiled federal legislative histories, relevant congressional hearings, CRS Reports, Supreme Court briefs, and more. Links to nearly 500 scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and a balanced selection of external resources to further research this subject are also provided. Research the National Firearms Act, the Miller and Heller decisions, and other key aspects of this subject.


HathiTrust Digital Library
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
More than 50 partner libraries have digitized more than 2.6 million of public domain books from their print collections. Books in the public domain are accessible. Books still under copyright are not accessible.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 2.6 million public domain e-books

Health Source -- Consumer Edition
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Features full text for: over 80 general health, nutrition and professional health care magazines; 130 books; and more than ten thousand reports and pamphlets.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
adult health, bacteriology, behavioral health, cardiology, childcare, drug and medication information, emergency medicine, food sciences and nutrition, general health, genetics, laboratory medicine, medical sciences, oncology, pediatric health, pediatrics, pulmonology, senior health, sports medicine, and women's health

Dates of Coverage:
January 1984 to present (for some journals)
January 1990 to present (for full-text)

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Contains more than 150 million pages and 160,000 titles of legal history and government documents. Bridges the gap in historical research by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,400 law-related periodicals. Contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, all of the world's constitutions, all U.S. treaties, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, and U.S. Presidents.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Includes only the e-books that the library has purchased from Infobase.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
literature, careers

Dates of Coverage:
2003 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 15 e-books

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a virtual library of musical scores in the public domain.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
musical scores

Dates of Coverage:
antiquity to the present

Update Frequency:
at least monthly

226,000 works have scores or parts

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions and literal translations of opera arias and art song texts.
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more than 11,932 titles


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Compiled by 275 specialists from around the world, it presents a comprehensive historical survey of the field's most important figures, schools, and movements.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
literary theory and criticism

Dates of Coverage:
1994 and 2005

Update Frequency:
"several new entries each year"

more than 240 entries

Journal TOCs
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a free alerting service for having recent tables-of-contents (TOC) of academic journals sent to an e-mail address. It contains TOCs for over 28,000 journals collected from over 3,350 publishers.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a large variety of subjects

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 413,069 records from
more than 14,500 publications
from more than 600 publishers

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is an online archive of scholarly journals which contains high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. Journals span continents and languages, with titles from 1,200 publishers from 57 countries. Contains also scholarly e-books, primary sources, and an image collection.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers many subject areas

Dates of Coverage:
varies by title (1665 is the earliest year covered)

Update Frequency:
varies by title

more than 4,500 journals

There is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the back issues available in JSTOR.

JSTOR Ebooks
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s):Books at JSTOR
Contains more than 43,000 of JSTOR's ebooks from 83 scholarly publishers.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers many subject areas

Dates of Coverage:
1866 to present

Update Frequency:
annually with a two-year rolling wall

more than 43,000 books

More than 80 publishers.
These have no limits on the number of concurrent users nor do they have any DRM restrictions - they can be freely downloaded and saved.

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Pick a text and pick a passage. Instantly see articles and chapters within JSTOR quoting that passage.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
Is a digital archive of historic Kentucky newspapers.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
local news events

Dates of Coverage:
1787 to 2018

Update Frequency:

more than 86,000 items

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
This is a statewide portal site for all libraries in Kentucky that use the Digital Commons platform for their institutional repository.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Offers full-text access to hundreds of academic monographs from the University Press of Kentucky.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

humanities, social sciences, film, television and radio, history, military studies, and political science
Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:
whenever updates are purchased

more than 100 books

Key Business Ratios
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Can be used to assess a firm's strengths and weaknesses as compared to those of competing businesses or an entire industry. The 14 key business ratios cover critical areas of business performance -- solvency, efficiency, and profitability. They are broken down into median figures, with upper and lower quartiles.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
business performance, industry performance

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:

not available


Learning Express Library
Create Personal Account
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Create Personal Account
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window

Provides practice tests and test preparation guides for many of the most common standardized tests. It also offers courses, e-books, and practice tests for improving basic skills along with job search and career development.

More Info

Subject Coverage:
business writing, citizenship, cover letters, interviewing, job search, resumes, skills improvement, and test preparation

Dates of Coverage:
most recent materials available

Update Frequency:

more than 1,000 tests and tutorials
more than 200 e-books

This is a special, direct link to the image edition of the newspaper. Use the other, regular link to search the complete archive.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
Lexington local news, Kentucky state government news, thoroughbred horse racing and breeding, and the coal industry

Dates of Coverage:
September, 2017 to present

Update Frequency:

not available

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Contains all of the news, features, sports and entertainment articles written by the staff at the Lexington Herald-Leader and provided by the major wire services. Also includes content from the web edition and blog.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
Lexington local news, Kentucky state government news, thoroughbred horse racing and breeding, and the coal industry

Dates of Coverage:
April 25, 1983 to present

Update Frequency:

not available

Library Literature
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes more than 220 key international library and information science periodicals along with more than 600 monographs annually.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
automation, cataloging, CD-ROMs, censorship, circulation, classification, copyright, education in librarianship, employment opportunities, library schools, material preservation, online searching, personnel management, and publishing trends

Dates of Coverage:
December 1984 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 256,000 records

Browse and view authority headings for Subject, Name, Uniform Title and Name/Title combinations. The subject heading search can be particularly useful to a researcher who needs to narrow a topic.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
the database is a list of subject headings

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:

more than 340,000 headings

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, and information management

Dates of Coverage:
mid 1960s to present

Update Frequency:


Alternate Name(s):Eighteenth Century Drama
Is a key reference work documenting theatrical performances in eighteenth-century London. This information has been compiled from the playbills, newspapers and theatrical diaries of the period.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
drama and performance

Dates of Coverage:
1660 to 1800

Update Frequency:
not updated

more than 114,000 records

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Provides the full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide genealogists, researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
Kentucky news, national news, international news

Dates of Coverage:
2008 to recent (3 month embargo)

Update Frequency:


Click here to locate issues earlier than 2008 and the most recent issues in print.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Offers a mix of company, industry, financial and country business data, for every major marketplace in the world. Extensive global coverage of industries with 4000 industry profiles and 30,000+ companies within 215 countries.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
individual reports & profiles. company information, industry information, country information, and interactive databases.

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:
not available

more than 2 million documents

MAS Ultra - School Edition
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Designed specifically for high school libraries containing full text for nearly 500 popular magazines and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. Information in other formats is also included.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a wide range of subjects

Dates of Coverage:
January 1984 to presentJanuary 1990 to present (for records with full text)

Update Frequency:

full text for nearly 500 popular magazines
more than 360 full-text reference books
85,670 biographies
over 107,000 primary source documents
over 510,000 photos, maps & flags, color PDFs

MasterFILE Premier
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Designed specifically for public libraries, it provides full text for magazines, reference books, and primary source documents. This database also provides an Image Collection containing photos, maps & flags.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
numerous subjects

Dates of Coverage:
PDF content back to 1975

Update Frequency:

Nearly 1,700 full-text periodicals

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Covers the world's mathematical literature since 1940.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
1940 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 2 million items

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Produced by the National Library of Medicine and covers journal literature published internationally in all areas of medicine.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
experimental medicine, clinical medicine, nursing, psychiatry, health services administration, dentistry, nutrition, toxicology, education, pathology, veterinary medicine

Dates of Coverage:
1965 to present
1975 to present (for records with abstracts)

Update Frequency:

more than 12,000,000 records
more than 4,800 biomedical journals

Uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with tree hierarchy, subheadings, and explosion capabilities.

Mental Measurements Yearbook
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Contains information about English-language standardized tests. Each record contains the full text of one or more reviews of the test which the record describes. The tests themselves are not accessible through the database. Access limited to 4 users at a time.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
educational skills, leadership skills, business skills, vocational aptitude, personality, and psychology

Dates of Coverage:
1938 to present

Update Frequency:
whenever a new edition of the yearbook is released (not every year in spite of the name)

more than 7,000 reviews
more than 2,700 reviews of contemporary testing instruments

Limited to 4 users at a time

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Provides access to a large collection of corporate, industry, and municipal documents for historical research.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
Moody's Manuals, Ford Equity Research Reports, Corporate Annual Reports

Dates of Coverage:
1909 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries and industries

MetaLib GPO
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Searches multiple U.S. Federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations while providing direct links to selected resources available online.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a large variety of subjects

Dates of Coverage:
varies among resources

Update Frequency:
varies among resources


MLA International Bibliography
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Indexes more than 4,400 journals along with books, chapters, collections, and dissertations in the broad areas of literature, languages, linguistics, and folklore. Provides full text for 1,000 journals including a 3-year backfile of the top 100 journals and extensive backfiles to Volume 1, Issue 1 for over 45 journals.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
literature, languages, linguistics, folklore, dramatic arts, and literary theory

Dates of Coverage:
1926 to present

Update Frequency:
ten times annually (45,000 records are added annually)

more than 2,800,000 records

The MLA Directory of Periodicals and the MLA Thesaurus are also included.


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Search, discover and download images, videos and audio files from across the agency’s many missions in aeronautics, astrophysics, Earth science, human spaceflight, and more.
More Info

Dates of Coverage:
1920 to present

Update Frequency:
continuously (for both new and archival material)

more than 140,000 photo images

Unless an image is labeled as being copyrighted it falls in the public domain and can be freely used.

Naxos Music Library
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Offers a large collection of musical sound files.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
classical music

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:
monthly (about 1,150 CDs added each month)

more than 2 million tracks

Complete catalogues or selected recordings of over 800 labels such as BIS, Capriccio, Chandos, CPO, CSO Resound, Decca, Deutsche Grammophon, Erato, Dynamic, Finlandia, Grand Piano, Hänssler Classic, Harmonia Mundi, Hungaroton, LSO Live, Marco Polo, Naïve, Naxos, New York Philharmonic, Nimbus, Nonesuch, Ondine, Orfeo, PentaTone, RCA Records, Sony Classical, Supraphon, Teldec, Universal Classics, Vanguard Classics, Warner Classics, Warner Classics - Parlophone (former EMI Classics) and many more

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Offers a wide range of jazz music, from jazz legends to contemporary jazz. Recordings of over 32,000 artists are represented.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:

more than 200,000 tracks

limited to not more than 2 users at a time

NCBI Databases
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Is the integrated search and retrieval system used at NCBI for their major databases, including: PubMed, Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures, Complete Genomes, Taxonomy, and others
More Info

Subject Coverage:
life sciences

Dates of Coverage:
1900 to present

Update Frequency:

"several hundred thousand"

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Provides the full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide genealogists, researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable. To locate issues earlier than 2008 in microfilm and the most recent issues in print click here. Both Lexis-Nexis Academic and WestlawNext offer full-text coverage of the NYT 1980 to present.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
national news, international news

Dates of Coverage:
2008 to recent (3 month embargo)

Update Frequency:


Newspaper Source
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides complete full text for more than 40 U.S. and international newspapers and selective full text for more than 330 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full-text television and radio news transcripts are included.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a variety of subjects relating to current events

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


Nexis Uni
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s):formerly Lexis-Nexis Academic
Offers numerous databases for law, news, and business.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
law, news, and business

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies

Update Frequency:

not available

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
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Is a readers' advisory resource which assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a variety of subjects that appear in fiction

Dates of Coverage:
1800 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 56,000 records


Provides access to digital resources that are often hidden from search engines (aka "the deep web"). It harvests their descriptive metadata using OAI-PMH (the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Offers e-books and journals in critical and cultural theory that are open access, scholarly, and peer-reviewed.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
cultural studies, film, and philosophy

Dates of Coverage:
1997 to present

Update Frequency:
varies among journals


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
A data archive of research in the social sciences.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
the social sciences

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


Opposing Viewpoints in Context
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
A resource for debaters that includes pro/con viewpoints, scholarly articles, news articles, streaming audio and video, interactive maps, and infographics. Provides quick and easy access to content on frequently studied and discussed issues.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental issues, and political science

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 20,000 pro/con viewpoints and approximately 19,000 reference articles

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
A preprint is a complete manuscript shared with a public audience without peer review. Often, preprints are also submitted for peer review and publication in a traditional scholarly journal. Preprints uploaded to OSF Preprints or a community preprint server accelerate scholarly communication and public access.
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more than 2,400,000 preprints
An aggregate of hundreds of scientific, technical, and medical journals from over 50 publishers and societies.
Oxford English Dictionary Online
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Alternate Name(s):OED Online
Widely acknowledged to be the most authoritative and comprehensive record of the English language in the world, tracing the evolution and use of words. This is the only English dictionary that aims to trace the first recorded use of every sense of every word, to show when it entered the language. Also included in OED Online is the Historical Thesaurus which groups senses and words in the OED according to their subject, and orders them by date of first use. It functions as a taxonomic index of language history.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
English language etymology - covers British, American, and other varieties of English, and all types of usage from formal to slang

Dates of Coverage:
over 1000 years of English

Update Frequency:
four times a year with thousands of new and revised meanings

600,000 words
3.5 million quotations

Oxford Music Online
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Is a unified search interface for several authoritative music reference works.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
composer biographies, performer biographies, styles, terms, genres, geographic areas, instruments, acoustics, notation, ancient music, church music, popular music, opera, and jazz

Dates of Coverage:
the most recent editions that are available online

Update Frequency:
three times annually


Encyclopedia of Popular Music
Grove Music Online
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition
The New Grove Dictionary of Opera
The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, second edition
The Oxford Companion to Music
The Oxford Dictionary of Music

U.S. Supreme Court audio archive since the installation of a recording system in October 1955.


From 1935-1944, the Farm Security Administration — Office of War Information undertook the largest photography project ever sponsored by the federal government. The addition of several other collections stretches the coverage to 1946.
More Info

Dates of Coverage:
1935 to 1946

Update Frequency:
not applicable

more than 170,000 photo images

Unless an image is labeled as being copyrighted it falls in the public domain and can be freely used.

Primary Search
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides full text online from 50 children’s magazines appropriate for elementary schools and children’s reading rooms. In addition to the full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for nearly 80 magazines.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers a wide range of subjects appropriate for grade school age children

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:

not available

Project Muse
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Is an online archive of scholarly journals. Articles are searchable in a number of ways and may be viewed as web pages and in some cases as PDF files.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers many subject areas

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 227 journals

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Includes the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database. Includes further index coverage of scholarly journals along with correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs, and other relevant material for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, and related fields.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
addiction, corrections administration, criminal justice, criminal law, criminology, family law, homeland security, industrial security, law enforcement, rehabilitation, and terrorism

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
This is a combined search for three databases from ProQuest that relate to Sociology.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
anthropology, economics, politics, sociology, and social work

Dates of Coverage:
1951 to present

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
A free preprint service for the psychological sciences maintained by The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s):APA PsycARTICLES
Offers the full text to the complete runs of more than 70 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA). For comprehensive searching of psychology journals (beyond just the APA titles) use PsycINFO.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
1894 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 150,000 records

Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Has nearly 470 online full-text titles. Comprehensive searches are better done in PsycINFO which includes linking to these titles.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
anthropology, behavior, emotions, experimental methods, mental processes, observational methods, psychiatry, psychology

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:
not available

not available

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Alternate Name(s):PILOTS
attempts to include citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) without disciplinary, linguistic, or geographical limitations, and to offer both current and retrospective coverage.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
traumatic stress and mental health sequelae, assessment, prevention, treatment, mental health services, professional ethics, public policy, and traumatized populations

Dates of Coverage:
1871 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 42,000 records

PTSDpubs is produced at the headquarters of the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in White River Junction, Vermont and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides information on the biological activities of small molecules. It includes substance information, compound structures, and bioactivity data.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

Compounds (more than 31 million entries)
Substances (more than 75 million entries)

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Is a huge index database for biomedical literature maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This link is to a customized version for Morehead State University which allows for quick links within the interface to articles from the online journals to which the library subscribes.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
medicine and biology

Dates of Coverage:
varies by journal title

Update Frequency:
varies by journal title

more than 23 million citations

Recommended for users of Chrome - LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that makes linking to full-text easier in PubMed. Go to https://thirdiron.com/libkey-nomad/

PubMed Central
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Is a digital archive of peer-reviewed life sciences journal literature written in English that was created and is maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
More Info

Subject Coverage:
life sciences

Dates of Coverage:
varies by journal title

Update Frequency:
varies by journal title

more than 7 million articles


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Redalyc is a Spanish-language, open access, full-text electronic journal archive of peer-reviewed journals in social science, humanities, and natural and physical science
More Info

Subject Coverage:
various subjects

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 798,000 articles

Producer: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Reference Universe
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a scholarly alternative to Wikipedia. Thousands of reference books owned by Camden-Carroll Library in either print or e-book format can be searched via their back-of-the-book indexes.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
numerous subjects are covered

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:

more than 5,800 subject encyclopedias indexed

Regional Business News
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides comprehensive full-text coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
business, politics, economics, national and international news events

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:

not available

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Gives a set of market research reports.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
market research for consumer behavior, entertainment, gaming, healthcare, leisure, restaurants, retail, sports, and tourism

Dates of Coverage:
2012 to present

Update Frequency:

about 10 PDF files


SAGE Journals Online
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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The library's subscriptions to scholarly journals published by SAGE can be searched in this interface. The collection is particularly strong for Education.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:


The social sciences platform for SAGE and CQ Press book, reference, and video content.
SAGE Research Methods Online
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Offers comprehensive information on research methodology primarily in the social sciences (but in other disciplines as well) taken from hundreds of publications by SAGE.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
research methodology

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:
annually (in December)

more than 100,000 pages of content

Iincludes tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. Find videos made with expert researchers, authors and teachers.
a resource on antibiotic stewardship to assist students in making evidence-based decisions related to the use of antibiotics
Is the online repository of the scholarship, creative works, and historical record of Morehead State University.
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Is an online collection of mostly scientific scholarly journals and reference books.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers many subject areas within the sciences but is particularly strong in: life sciences, engineering, earth sciences, pharmacology, and textiles

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

more than 2,900 journals (for citations)

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Is a yearbook of international Shakespeare scholarship in English. Each volume focuses on a theme, or play, or group of plays; each also contains a section of reviews of that year's textual and critical studies, and of the year's major British performances.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
reviews of scholarship relating to Shakespeare

Dates of Coverage:
1948 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 60 volumes

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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Includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
culture, history, and law

Dates of Coverage:
colonial era to the early years of the 20th Century

Update Frequency:

more than 1,100 titles and nearly 850,000 pages

Small Business Reference Center
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides up-to-date information on relevant topics from starting a company, operations management and sales to growing or rescuing a business. It includes videos as well as state and locality-specific resources.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
small business and entrepreneurship

Dates of Coverage:

Update Frequency:

nearly 400 journals
more than 450 reference books

  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
An open archive of the social sciences, provides a free, non-profit, open access platform for social scientists to upload working papers, preprints, and published papers, with the option to link data and code.
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Social Explorer
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  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides access to historical U.S. Census data. It includes reporting and mapping tools.
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Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
1790 to present

Update Frequency:



Social Services Abstracts
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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Covers research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Indexes over 1,500 serials publications.
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Subject Coverage:
community and mental health services, crisis intervention, family and social welfare, gerontology, poverty and homelessness, professional issues in social work, social and health policy, social services in addiction, social work education, social work practice, support groups/networks, violence/abuse/neglect, and welfare services

Dates of Coverage:
1980 to present

Update Frequency:
monthly (approximately 400 new records added per update)

more than 89,260 records

Sociological Abstracts
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  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Indexes and abstracts articles in 1,500 journals in sociology, social work, and other social and behavioral sciences.
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Subject Coverage:
abuse and neglect, aging, anthropology, criminology, crisis intervention, demography, development policy, education, law and penology, race relations, social psychology, sociology, urban development, urban studies, and violence

Dates of Coverage:
1963 to present
1974 to present (for records with abstracts)

Update Frequency:
monthly (approximately 2,500 new records added per update)

more than 660,000 records

Sociological Collection
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Includes nearly 560 online full-text titles (most of which are peer-reviewed). For comprehensive searching of sociology journals (including these) use Sociological Abstracts.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
community development, culture, human tendencies, interaction, relationships, social behavior, and social structure

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:
not available

not available


Teacher Reference Center
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Provides indexing and abstracts for some of the most popular peer-reviewed journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
assessment, best practices, continuing education, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, science, mathematics, and teacher education

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:
not available

280 journals indexed

eBooks and educator resources for middle school, high school, or public libraries.
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • This database is provided by the Kentucky Virtual Library.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a current events database drawing from a set of over 2,500 diverse sources.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
economic issues, political issues, scientific discoveries, social issues, and other popular topics

Dates of Coverage:
not available

Update Frequency:
not available

not available


Create Personal Account
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Create Personal Account
  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
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A clinical decision support resource which includes access to over 11,000 topics in over 22 specialties.

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"UptoDate is a well-known resource in the medical field. This database functions as a clinical decision support tool providing quick access to information that can help the clinician at the bedside. The information provided in each of the many clinical topics is considered evidence-based and has gone through a peer-review process before the summary of findings is presented. Additional tools such as drug interaction monitoring, clinical calculators, images, and practice changing updates are also highly sought after in the community of medical and health science users."
-- review from ccAdvisor


Value Line
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Is a comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 3,500 stocks. Every week, a ranking system screens millions of data items and, using a proprietary series of calculations, ranks each stock for probable performance relative to other stocks during the next 6 to 12 months.
More Info

Subject Coverage:

Dates of Coverage:
not applicable

Update Frequency:

approximately 3,500 stocks


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Provides the full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide genealogists, researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable. To do a keyword search in WSJ retrieving full-text articles without graphics and photos (1984 to present) click here. To locate issues earlier than 2008 in microfilm click here.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
national news, international news

Dates of Coverage:
2008 to recent (3 month embargo)

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
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  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
  • Here is a tutorial for this resource. This link opens in a new window
Offers comprehensive full text of statutes, case law materials, public records, and other legal resources, along with current news articles and business information.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
law, news, business

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies

Update Frequency:

not available

Note: Training site at http://westelearning.com/

  • The 'Find it' button is available in this database.
Is an online collection of mostly scientific scholarly journals and e-books.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
business, chemistry, computer science, earth science, education, engineering, finance, law, life sciences, management, mathematics, medical sciences, physics, psychology, and statistics

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies

Update Frequency:


  • A significant percentage of the content in this database is available as full text.
Wiley's open access platform for nearly 30 journals in the sciences.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
biology, medicine, earth science, and space science

Dates of Coverage:
coverage varies by journal

Update Frequency:


Provides annotated entries for all important scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare. The scope is international.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
materials relating to Shakespeare

Dates of Coverage:
1960 to present

Update Frequency:

more than 127,500 records

Types of items indexed include: books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, and electronic media

Is a worldwide online union catalog that offers bibliographic and holdings information for thousands of libraries. Each item in the database not held in the library at MSU can be easily obtained by using the 'Request it' button.
More Info

Subject Coverage:
covers countless subjects

Dates of Coverage:
1000 C.E. to present

Update Frequency:

more than 548 million item records
more than 3.3 billion holdings records

It includes manuscripts written as early as the 11th century as well as books cataloged yesterday. It would be a challenge to name a book that would not have a record in this database. Numerous journal articles are also available through WorldCat.
